50. THE GROCER’S ELF #Inspirational Moral Stories

50. THE GROCER’S ELF #Inspirational Moral Stories

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50. THE GROCER’S ELF #Inspirational Moral Stories


A young student went to a grocer’s shop to purchase bread and a few candles.

Having little money, he could only buy the candles, which the grocer

wrapped in a page torn out from a book. Reading the poem on it, he wanted

to read the book, and had to part with the candles! A small elf who lived in

the grocer’s shop, followed the boy. He saw a very bright light shining from

beneath the door. Through the keyhole he found that the book was shedding

that light! It spread out like a huge tree, with its branches spreading over the

young boy. Each fruit on the tree shone like a star and each flower bore the

smiling face of a young girl! Enchanted, the elf decided to stay here, rather

than be in the grocer’s well-stocked shop!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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