52. THE YOUNG MAN AND THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories

52. THE YOUNG MAN AND THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories

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52. THE YOUNG MAN AND THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories


A young man was employed by a man, who took him to a distant isle having

a mountain of gold. The employer told him to climb to the mountain top, dig

out as much gold as he could, and throw it down to him. When the youth

asked how he could climb up, his employer made him drink a ‘magic potion’,

which was a sleeping potion! As the youth slept, his employer wrapped him

in a cow skin, and left him on the beach. Some seagulls carried the cow skin

to the mountain top. The youth awoke, climbed out of the cow skin, and

began digging. He threw down a lot of gold. But when he asked how he

would come down, his employer walked away. The golden mountain became

so angry at being robbed, that it began heaving, and blew up! The youth was

thrown into the air and landed in his home! While the lava poured over the

cruel employer, turning him into a statue of gold!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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