53. THE STORY OF SUMIO #Inspirational Moral Stories

53. THE STORY OF SUMIO #Inspirational Moral Stories

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53. THE STORY OF SUMIO #Inspirational Moral Stories


An old Japanese couple was sad for they had no children. Finding a bright,

shining bamboo cane one evening, they slit it into two. Inside was a tiny

infant girl! Overjoyed, they decided to bring her up as their own daughter.

Naming her Sumio, they loved her dearly. She grew into the most beautiful

girl. All the princes, and the emperor, wanted to marry her. Sumio refused

them all. Though she whispered to the emperor that she was the Moon

Princess, and her subjects would come to escort her back on the next full

moon night. The emperor sent his army to surround her house.

But, when the unworldly, splendid creatures of the moon came down a

pathway of moonbeams, the emperor’s army simply gaped! Sumio was

carried into the sky. And she took with her the old couple, who had loved her

as their own daughter!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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