54. THE CRYSTAL PALACE #Inspirational Moral Stories

54. THE CRYSTAL PALACE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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54. THE CRYSTAL PALACE #Inspirational Moral Stories


Once, a prince and a princess loved each other deeply and were engaged to be

married. A jealous magician kidnapped the princess. The prince desperately

searched for her. At long last, he learnt that the wicked magician had

imprisoned her in a castle with tall crystal walls, which were so smooth that

not even a fly could climb them. He reached the castle and stood outside.

Hearing some cries from nearby, he went and saw three old, hideous witches

caught in a swamp. He turned to go, but their pitiful cries made him rescue


The grateful witches gifted him three things: a cloak that would make him

invisible, a flying horse, and a stick that would open any door. The prince

wore the cloak, flew on the horse to the highest tower, and opened the prison

door with the magic stick! Returning to safety, the princess and prince soon

got married, and eagerly welcomed the three witches to their wedding feast!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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