76. YVETTE’S DAYDREAMS #Inspirational Moral Stories

76. YVETTE’S DAYDREAMS #Inspirational Moral Stories

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76. YVETTE’S DAYDREAMS #Inspirational Moral Stories


Young Yvette was a poor but pretty girl. She carried a jug of fresh milk on

her head one day to sell it in the market. As she walked, she began to

daydream what she would do with the money that she earned. First she

planned to buy a hen, then to sell its eggs, and buy a goose. The goose would

lay bigger eggs, making more money for her, with which she would buy a


Then, Yvette began making grand plans to make a beautiful dress for herself

from the sheep’s wool, sell its milk, and make lots of cheese. Then, she

would sell the cheese to buy a stylish hat and a pair of dancing shoes. She felt

she would look so elegant that the king would invite her to a ball at his

palace, where the prince would fall in love with her, and propose to her. Just

then, the jug of milk fell from her head! The milk spilled onto the ground,

and her dreams crashed around her!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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