78. TOM’S CRUMBS #Inspirational Moral Stories

78. TOM’S CRUMBS #Inspirational Moral Stories

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78. TOM’S CRUMBS #Inspirational Moral Stories


A poor, hard-working woodcutter had a wife and seven children. He could

never provide a decent meal to his family. Tearfully, he and his wife decided

to leave their children in the forest. He felt that the children would survive on

fruits there, but would definitely die of starvation with their parents. Tom,

their youngest child, overheard them. Before they left, he stuffed his pockets

with little white stones. From time to time, he dropped a stone on the path

behind. Once the parents had gone after bidding farewell to their children, the

children followed the white stones and returned home!

After two days, the parents again went to leave the children. It was early

dawn and Tom could not gather the stones. He dropped bread crumbs instead,

which the birds ate up! This time, the children were truly lost. Scared of the

wild beasts, they began to cry. Just then, they heard their parents crying out

for them. Luckily, a woodsman had repaid an old debt to their father, and the

parents had come to fetch their children back. They hugged their children,

and vowed never to leave them again. That day, the rejoicing in their family

surpassed a royal celebration.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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