THE WOODEN CALF #Inspirational Moral Stories
In a
certain village, everybody was rich except one man who owned nothing.
wanted to possess at least a calf, so he carved a wooden one. The calf’s
moved and its tail swung, making it look real! The simple man hoped
that his
calf would become a cow one day! The next day, he gave his calf to
shepherd to take him to pasture, saying: ‘You will have to carry him as he
is young
and hasn’t learnt to walk.’ The good shepherd carried the calf to a
where he left it to nibble at the grass.
When it
was time to return, the shepherd called out to the calf but it did not
The tired shepherd exclaimed: ‘Well, if you can eat by yourself, you
can also
return on your own,’ and left. When the poor man found that the
had left his calf in the meadow, he was angry. Together they went
back but
the calf was not there! The poor man complained to a judge that the
had not looked after his calf. The judge agreed and told the
to give a cow to the poor man to make good his loss. So, the
calf did turn into a cow!
TAGS: language development in
children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories
to read for kids.