81. THE LANGUAGE STUDENT #Inspirational Moral Stories

81. THE LANGUAGE STUDENT #Inspirational Moral Stories

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81. THE LANGUAGE STUDENT #Inspirational Moral Stories


A very wealthy man sent his son abroad to get the best education. The youth

returned after learning the language of dogs! The furious father drove his son

out from his home. The young man wandered about, till he reached a village

where a pack of ferocious dogs had scared the locals to death. The youth met

the dogs, despite warnings from the villagers. He returned and told the locals

that the dogs were bound by a spell to guard a valuable treasure chest buried

in the woods. With the dogs’ consent, he dug up the chest. The dogs never

troubled the locals again.

The youth returned to his father’s home in a luxurious carriage, with many

carts full of riches. And the astonished father never insulted his son again!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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