82. THE OLD HOUSE ON THE STREET #Inspirational Moral Stories

82. THE OLD HOUSE ON THE STREET #Inspirational Moral Stories

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82. THE OLD HOUSE ON THE STREET #Inspirational Moral Stories


In a street full of modern buildings, there was one old house. A very rich, old

man lived there alone. Opposite him, lived a small boy. After exchanging

smiles for long, the old man invited the little fellow over, treating him to a

drink of hot chocolate and delicious snacks. They became good friends. The

child returned again and again, to drink the hot chocolate and eat the snacks

that the old man made for him. Returning the affection, the boy parted with

one of his dear tin soldiers and gifted it to his old friend! Soon after, the old

man died. In the place of the old house, an elegant villa came up. And the

small boy went to live there after his marriage!

He and his wife were once digging in their garden, when his finger got

stabbed. He found his little tin soldier with its sharp bayonet! Lovingly, he

cleaned it and placed it on his hearth, as a happy reminder of his childhood

and dear old friend!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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