84. THE STONE-BREAKER AND THE MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories

84. THE STONE-BREAKER AND THE MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories

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84. THE STONE-BREAKER AND THE MOUNTAIN #Inspirational Moral Stories


A Japanese stone-breaker was exhausted once and wished he could lead the

luxurious life led by rich, fat merchants. His wish came true! He then saw a

mandarin being carried by his servants. He wished to be a mandarin. Even

that came true! But the mandarin was under the emperor’s command, so he

wanted to be the emperor. This wish, also, was granted! He was given the

emperor’s title: the Son of the Sun. But, scorched by the sun, he longed to be

in the sun’s place! At once, he became the sun; but when a cloud covered

him, he longed to be, and became, a cloud! Thinking the wind was more

powerful, he became the wind! When the wind blew against a mountain, he

wanted to and became a mountain. Then, hearing the stone-breakers hammer

powerful blows as they dug out rocks from the mountain, he chose to be a

stone-breaker all over again.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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