Hunger for Gold #Inspirational Moral Stories

Hunger for Gold #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


57. Hunger for Gold

Sikandar was a dominant emperor. He wanted to win the whole world. To fulfil his proceeded with his soldiers and crushed many cities. He attacked a city. Once mod hic horse and knocked at a door of a house. But nobody came. After knocking again an old lady came. Sikander rudely asked for some bread. The lady recognized him as Sikander. She went inside and brought a casket filled with jewels. Sikander acrimoniously said, “What is this? I had asked for some bread but what you have brought.” “Jewels.” The lady seriously said, “I know you are Sikander. Your hunger is not for bread, but for gold. If your hunger had been for bread, you wouldn't have been here to snatch other's bread." These words made him to think again and again and his pride was shattered. After that, he begged her pardon, and went from that city without taking anything.

Moral : Pride hath a fall.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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