The Man in Forest #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Man in Forest #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


53. The Man in Forest

A man was being chased by a hungry lion. To save his life, the man climbed on a tree where he sat on a branch. But two rats, black and white, were cutting the same branch. To escape from the fate, he decided to jump on the other branch. He turned pale to see a boa, opening his mouth to engulf the man. Now he was really out of Er wits. To get out of these he looked upward where there was a honeycomb. As he tried to touch it, he was lost in amazing taste of honey drops, that fell on his mouth. He again got another drop of honey which was enough to forget all his foes, viz lion, rats, boa. Suddenly, he realized it was nothing but the trick of his son to wake him up. Actually, he was in a dream. He decided to go to decipher the message of the dream. It was explained that the lion is your death; it keeps chasing you. Rats are day and night. With the passage of time they make you close to death; the boa is your grave. It is always wanting you to fall into it. The honeycomb is the world, and honey is the luxury of life which help us to forget our death, grave and inevitable things.

Moral: Luxury diverts our mind.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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