31. HE TOLD NO LIES #Inspirational Moral Stories

31. HE TOLD NO LIES #Inspirational Moral Stories

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31. HE TOLD NO LIES #Inspirational Moral Stories


A farmer’s younger brother, fell in love with a duke’s daughter! The elder

brother realised he had to somehow help his younger brother. He made his

brother wear his oldest suit which was mended with many pieces of cloth.

Then, he made him sit near the hearth that was built under a sound roof. He

handed his brother a bowl containing two gold coins, and told him to keep on

passing these from one hand to the other.

When the farmer met the duke, he asked how much money his brother had.

The farmer honestly replied that money passed through his brother’s hands

all the while! When the duke asked what kind of house he had, he replied:

‘He has a sound roof above his head!’ The duke next asked whether he had a

good wardrobe. The farmer answered: ‘He wears much more clothes than

me!’ Though he had not got a single direct reply, the duke was very

impressed. And, without any lie, the farmer got his brother married.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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