43. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST #Inspirational Moral Stories

43. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST #Inspirational Moral Stories

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43. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST #Inspirational Moral Stories


A man once lost his way in a heavy snowstorm. After long, he reached a

castle. The dining table had been set for a meal but nobody was around. He

ate some food, and fell fast asleep. When he awakened, the storm had gone.

On his way out, he saw a beautiful rose bush. As he was about to pluck a

rose, the castle’s owner appeared. He looked horrible. The Beast asked

angrily: ‘Hasn’t the castle given you enough? You will die now for plucking

my flowers!’ The man pleaded that he was taking the rose for his daughter,

Beauty. Beast relented but said that the man should send his daughter to him.

So, Beauty went to the castle. After some days, Beast appeared, and she was

shocked! Slowly, she found that he was very kind and gentle. He fell in love

with her, but knew that she would never love him. This hurt him so much that

he became weaker, till the day came when he was going to die. Beauty started

crying. One of her tears fell on Beast’s face and like magic, Beast became a

dashing young man! Soon, they got married and lived happily.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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