75. THE KING’S FIELD AND THE GOLD MORTAR BOWL #Inspirational Moral Stories

75. THE KING’S FIELD AND THE GOLD MORTAR BOWL #Inspirational Moral Stories

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75. THE KING’S FIELD AND THE GOLD MORTAR BOWL #Inspirational Moral Stories


A king took pity on a very poor peasant and gifted him a tiny piece of land, to

grow food for his family. While ploughing his field, the peasant dug out a

heavy mortar bowl made of gold. He decided to give it to the king, who was

the true owner. His daughter told him not to do so, saying: ‘The king will

demand for the pestle also, and we will have a hard time then.’ The farmer

replied: ‘How can he ask for something that we don’t have?’ Against her

wishes, he went to the king. But his daughter’s fears came true! When the

peasant said that he did not have the pestle, the king accused him of lying and

threw him into prison, where he starved for many days. The poor man bitterly

regretted not having listened to his daughter! When the king heard him say

this, he wanted to know what else she had said, so the farmer told him. The

amazed king sent for her. He freed the girl’s father and put her in command

of his treasury.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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